Karen's Page

Welcome to Karen's Page, a web page intended to keep Karen's family and friends informed about her cancer. Karen, age 40, has a rare form of cancer called Pseudomyxoma Peritonei. She and her husband Tom have 2 children ages 4 and 7.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Good News!

Hello Friends,
I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah. I have to agree with Tom, that though the cancer could have overshadowed a lot of 2005, I also end the year feeling very blessed and grateful. Many of our family and friends came to our aid and helped out so much, that our hearts remain full. As I continue to heal and gain strength, I look forward to paying it all forward. God will show me a way.

More good news - my PICC line was removed today!! I am surprised at how excited I am about this. It was the last remaining tube/reminder of my hospital stay. I feel so free without it.

I talked with my oncologist today and a decision whether to do systemic chemotherapy must be made soon - within a couple of weeks. Tom and I will prayerfully consider all the plus' and minuses. But, I won't think about it until after Christmas!



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