Karen's Page

Welcome to Karen's Page, a web page intended to keep Karen's family and friends informed about her cancer. Karen, age 40, has a rare form of cancer called Pseudomyxoma Peritonei. She and her husband Tom have 2 children ages 4 and 7.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Karen's thoughts

I have a lot of thoughts running around in my head. I thought maybe it would be therapeutic to put them down here. I've been pretty disappointed with the turn of events surrounding my pathology report, after surgery, categorizing my cancer as a high grade. I suspected that the cancer was more aggressive, because the spread was quite extensive in just 9 months from the first surgery in February. But, the reality of it is hard to swallow. That's why I decided to go ahead with the chemo. If the pathology came back low or even intermediate grade, I probably wouldn't have done the chemo. I really want to delay any recurrence (if there is going to be one) as much as possible. I haven't discounted the power of prayer and God's will. We'll see. I can deal with whatever happens, but want to do as much, as is in my power, that I can.

Challenging thoughts: Fear of the chemo. I hope I don't scare my kids with any side effects. I hope I can teach Jazzercise during my chemo treatments. Bummed about the inconvenience of it all. Frustration with my lack of strength. I hope my weight stays the same. I hope I can finish all rounds of chemo.

Good thoughts: It's only been 8 weeks from surgery, and I have made good progress. I just have to take the time to realize it. I have amazing friends that will help me through anything. Whatever comes, I am strong enough to handle it, with God right with me. I have an awesome husband. I only have to get chemo every other week.

My parents are still here, but will leave soon. They will probably pack up their car next week. That'll give me more driving practice until they leave. I took the kids to school today. When I pulled into the parking lot at Hudson's preschool, he proclaimed, " You did it Mommy!" Warm feelings all around.

So, pray for me as I receive my first (out of 12) round of chemo this Thursday morning at 9:30. I would really appreciate it.

This experience certainly has shown me the power of prayer, faith, and friendship. Thanks everyone!



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