Karen's Page

Welcome to Karen's Page, a web page intended to keep Karen's family and friends informed about her cancer. Karen, age 40, has a rare form of cancer called Pseudomyxoma Peritonei. She and her husband Tom have 2 children ages 4 and 7.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Ain't Jazzercise great?

Hello friends,
This past week, I've been feeling up and down both physically and emotionally. I can start out the day feeling good, then poop out half way through. It's frustrating when walking around a golf course tired me out!(I was able to attend The Bob Hope Classic on Wednesday morning with some great friends). Seeing the stars there was so fun, and the morning was so beautiful. Yesterday, all I did laundry and had to go to bed early - yikes!

I had every intention of attending my evening jazzercise class Thursday, but was too tired to. So, feelings of frustration have been very prevalent.

So, I decided that I would attend a morning jazzercise class, since that seems to be when I feel the best. Today was the day that I started! I have to tell you, if felt pretty good. I just love the music and, of course, the dancing. I wasn't able to finish the whole class, but was happy with how I did. My new plan is to build up my endurance in the morning classes, so I will be able to attend my own evening classes, eventually. So - my students - please don't feel I've abandoned you. I just have to work with when I feel the best right now. I will return to class, and when I do - watch out!

I have goals that I want to reach. I think I just have to stay open-minded and fluid about how to reach them. That is my prayer.

So, now I will go lay down for a while. I have an appointment with Dr. Luke later today.

Much love,


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