Karen's Page

Welcome to Karen's Page, a web page intended to keep Karen's family and friends informed about her cancer. Karen, age 40, has a rare form of cancer called Pseudomyxoma Peritonei. She and her husband Tom have 2 children ages 4 and 7.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Chemo #7

Hello Friends,
Well, I received chemo #7 on Monday. It went pretty well, though, I'm experiencing the side effects even today (nauseous - yuck). I see a teeny tiny light at the end of the tunnel! If everything works out, I'll be done with chemo July 1st!

One of the frustrating things now, is that I feel I am getting increasingly more out of shape. I can't seem to work out enough to get back in to shape. I go to Jazzercise whenever I feel that I can. I guess it 's better than not going at all! So, I think July will be spent on getting back in shape. I still feel the frustration of it all. You all know that I like to be in shape!

Our trip to the Grand Canyon was more than wonderful!! The train ride was so fun - the boys loved it. It was a 2 hr. ride, and they tired of that after a while. It helped that we took a first class train that had snacks and singing cowboys and indians to entertain us. The Grand Canyon was so incredibly beautiful. I told Tom that I want to start saving up for our next trip, which will involve hiking, a river raft trip and staying over night. Of course, the boys have to be older, so there will be plenty of time. Tucker really liked the Grand Canyon. He said, " Mom, it's so deep, I love the Grand Canyon!". It's nice that he appreciated it. Hudson didn't quite get it, though was appreciative of the fact that if he didn't stay away from the edge, his parents would have a heart attack! We took a bus ride around the South rim and had a very informative bus driver, who really liked his job. He had lots to tell us. The only drawback was that there were a ton of little bugs flying around everywhere. They didn't bite, but were annoying. I was amazed at how people could stand by the awesomeness of the grand canyon and could only focus on the bugs. One lady didn't even get out of the bus because of the bugs. Oh well. We also had the opportunity to explore an old soldier/indian fort, explored the cliff dwellings and toured some caves. All of this stuff is what I love to do!!

That's pretty much it for now. Thanks again for all of your support. YOur prayers mean so much to me.


Monday, April 03, 2006

#6's been a little rougher!

Hi Everyone,
Yep - I'm half way through the chemo - yeah! It was tougher than the last - something I intend to ask the good doc. about - why? Most likely, there isn't a reason. I suppose it's just a good lesson on taking each day one at a time. I learned that lesson long ago, but seem to have forgotten it! Oh well. I was so incredibly tired this past weekend. It really is amazing. Tom took the boys camping again, which was nice. They had another wonderful weekend with Dad. They hiked a lot, came back to the desert for Tucker's baseball game (Hudson helped out in the dugout) and star gazed. I slept. Thank you to my wonderful jazzercise friends for dinner and flowers! It's such a great pick me up. My family really is grateful. My neuropathy isn't as bad this time, but the nausea and fatigue was worse. I also experienced my lower back pain again - something I intend to talk to my doctor about. Advil takes care of it most of the time. Remember the back pain I had in the hospital? It's like that, but not as bad - fortunately!!

I can't wait for spring break to start. I can spend time with the boys, feeling rather good. I won't get chemo until it's over. I insisted on that. I need to have a life, for heaven's sake.

I'm still feeling a little tired and achey today, but better than before. Progress - yes.

That's it for now. Where' s my hubby, you ask? He's very very busy. He will most certainly blog soon, so stayed tuned.
