Karen's Page

Welcome to Karen's Page, a web page intended to keep Karen's family and friends informed about her cancer. Karen, age 40, has a rare form of cancer called Pseudomyxoma Peritonei. She and her husband Tom have 2 children ages 4 and 7.

Monday, April 03, 2006

#6's been a little rougher!

Hi Everyone,
Yep - I'm half way through the chemo - yeah! It was tougher than the last - something I intend to ask the good doc. about - why? Most likely, there isn't a reason. I suppose it's just a good lesson on taking each day one at a time. I learned that lesson long ago, but seem to have forgotten it! Oh well. I was so incredibly tired this past weekend. It really is amazing. Tom took the boys camping again, which was nice. They had another wonderful weekend with Dad. They hiked a lot, came back to the desert for Tucker's baseball game (Hudson helped out in the dugout) and star gazed. I slept. Thank you to my wonderful jazzercise friends for dinner and flowers! It's such a great pick me up. My family really is grateful. My neuropathy isn't as bad this time, but the nausea and fatigue was worse. I also experienced my lower back pain again - something I intend to talk to my doctor about. Advil takes care of it most of the time. Remember the back pain I had in the hospital? It's like that, but not as bad - fortunately!!

I can't wait for spring break to start. I can spend time with the boys, feeling rather good. I won't get chemo until it's over. I insisted on that. I need to have a life, for heaven's sake.

I'm still feeling a little tired and achey today, but better than before. Progress - yes.

That's it for now. Where' s my hubby, you ask? He's very very busy. He will most certainly blog soon, so stayed tuned.



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